The first among the Gemini Group, Gemini Exchange International, Inc. is a remittance fulfillment courier duly accredited and licensed by the government to perform courier services in the pursuit of ensuring that its clients overseas remittance are able to reach the hands of their stated recipients
Remittance Fulfillment Service
We undertake consolidation and delivery of inward remittances through any of the following modes:
- Door-to-door Delivery
- Our company takes pride in being the pioneer in door-to-door remittance fulfillment and taking it to the level of expertise unsurpassed by many in the industry. Through our courier networks, our clients are assured of efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of cash and other documents of value to their destination.
- Credit-to-bank Account
- Through the advancement in modern technology and communications as well as our relationships with key players in the banking industry, our online facilities allow us to credit bank accounts of our clients whenever funds are needed to be transferred.
- Delivery & Loading of Cash Cards
- Electronic cash is slowly emerging as a currency of the next generation and our technical facilities are now equipped in the issuance, delivery and loading of e-cash through our own cash cards.
- Pick-up at Payout Centers